The middle school years are oftentimes the most difficult in the development of a child because this time period brings about such physical, social, emotional and spiritual change. For many, surviving middle school becomes the best-case goal. Here at Trinity, we have a desire to see our students not just survive middle school, but to thrive during these life-shaping years.

Adam Vinson Middle School Principal

I’ve been the middle school principal since 2013, and I can honestly say that I absolutely love working with this age group. While middle schoolers certainly present many challenges, this time period in their lives allows for so many moldable opportunities and teachable moments. Our students grow, develop and change drastically from the time they join us in 6th grade to the time they leave us at the conclusion of 8th grade. During these three years, students wrestle greatly with self-image and identity as they seek to understand who they are and who they want to become.

Adam Vinson
Middle School Principal

It is our desire to help each student answer these life-pressing questions through the lens of God’s Word. Whether during weekly Bible classes and chapel services or through our quality academic and extracurricular opportunities, we want to provide a culture and environment that helps each middle school student thrive as they come to understand the value, skills and talents they possess as one of God’s image-bearers.

I believe that in choosing Trinity, you will find faculty, staff and teachers who are willing and ready to serve you and your family during these formidable years of middle school. I’m so thankful for the team alongside me who work tirelessly to engage each of our students through loving, meaningful relationships. Together, we have a goal of assisting and guiding each student through the imminent changes that middle school brings, all for the glory of God!

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our middle school program, which is fully accredited through SACS, AdvancED, and ILCS. Let me also encourage you to contact our school office to schedule a tour. We would love to meet you and would value the opportunity to share additional information with you.