
As a school, our mission is to prepare today’s student to impact tomorrow’s world: by educating minds for cultural engagement, equipping hearts for character development, and empowering hands for compassionate service.

The Skills Development Program (SDP) works to support that mission by offering academic support to students with documented learning differences that inversely impact their academic performance. The goal is to ensure that students within the program have the necessary tools needed to be successful, both in and out of the classroom.

Three main facets of the program help to reach this goal: in-class support, accommodations, and before/after school sessions with a learning specialist. The program offers services in Reading, Math, and Executive Functioning for students in 1st-12th grades.

In-Class Support

In-class support is offered at all levels. This support consists of an SDP learning specialist attending different classes throughout the day, working alongside the classroom teachers and students. While the SDP learning specialist will not be present for all of each student’s classes, both the classroom teacher and the SDP learning specialist will work closely together to determine the best times for the SDP learning specialist to attend classes so that each student receives the maximum benefit of in-class support.


Accommodations vary from student to student. The program is built to provide the necessary accommodations for each student to be successful. While we do not make any modifications, nor do we modify the curriculum or lesson plans, accommodations will be determined based on the needs of each student.

Contact Skills Development Program

ELS & SDP Director

Jennifer Opsahl